Same-Day Local Delivery

Same-Day Local Delivery only 75¢ a mile for customers in and around Indian Trail, Charlotte & Monroe


Same-day local delivery is available Monday thru Saturday, 10AM - 3PM and is only 75¢ a mile from our location at 625 Indian Trail Road South, Indian Trail, NC

How It Works


  • At checkout, choose the Same-Day Delivery shipment method. Our software calculates the delivery fee using the shortest distance between our store and your address.
  • After completing checkout, your order will be packaged and dispatched with our next available driver.
  • You will receive your order within 1 to 4 hours depending on distance and the quantity of orders dispatched to the driver.

Frequently Asked Questions:

If I'm not home will the driver leave the package?

In the event you're not home during the delivery our drivers are instructed to leave the package in a discrete location on your porch. If the order is being delivered to an apartment/condo complex or building and you're unavailable at the time of delivery the driver will leave the package with an agent in the leasing office or at the front desk.

Same-Day Delivery orders placed after hours will be dispatched during the next available delivery time (e.g., an order placed at 6pm on Wednesday will be dispatched at 9am on Thursday. An order placed 11pm on Saturday will be dispatched at 9am on Monday).